Friday, May 2, 2008

Blogs as current phenomenon & effects on community

How big is the blogosphere?

The size of the current blogosphere is as big as 112.8 million blogs and with over 250 million tagged social media. According to, blogs nowadays is actually a ‘citizen media’. With everyone having their own opinions and the need to voice out their opinions, they resort to blogging. Blogs are easy to create, mostly free and you probably won’t get sued for whatever nonsense you write on your blog.
What are the blogging trends and websites that are prevalent in Europe, Asia and Malaysia?

European blogs are usually skewed towards the tech side. Just to mention a few tech blog sites like Techblog, Tech blog and the Yahoo Techbloggers. These are highly visited sites and they are popular because most European men are into technology. Being able to catch up with the every improving technological advancement has always been something considered to be ‘cool’. I guess it’s just something that is buried deep down in the genes of all men.
* A Techblog*
Asia and Malaysia

On the Asian and also Malaysian side however, a very famous blogger, Kennysia is of course the main focus of them all. He is somewhat a hero that shoots at anything he deems wrong and almost always has a humorous way of putting things. Usually Malaysian bloggers are the types that actually talk about their daily lives and usual blabber they want to be voiced out to the public. Let’s take my classmates’ Joash’s blog for a very good example as a typical Malaysian blogger. There are also blogs like the Internet Millionaires Club(IMC) who actually teach people how to earn money through the internet. However it is inadvisable to fully believe and trust such ways to be your stable source of income.
* Screenshot of Kennysia's blog*
How can Malaysians benifit from political, social and business blogs?

Keeping in touch with political, social and business is very important to anyone who is trying to keep up with the world. With blogs like Lim Kit Siang’s and Jeff Ooi's, we are very much updated on what is happening in the parliament and questions which are brought up by the parties in Malaysia. Being able to keep up will keep us more aware of what is happening and using it to our benefit. On the social context, we just want to keep in touch with our friends and what’s happening with their life. You can even call it nosy for that matter but people tend to be curious, very curious indeed. IMC which was mentioned before is a website which teaches Malaysians to earn money online. Earning as much as 5 figures is something every Malaysian would want to achieve.
* Screenshot of Kennysia's blog*
* Screenshot of Internet Millionaires Club*

Reference List

1. About Us 2008, Technorati, viewed on 2 May 2008 at

2. Brown, S 2006, Leading Average: Top Blog Trends, Modern Life, viewed 2 May 2008 at Duncan 2006

1 comment:

HoneyPeachLing said...

Cool examples! I like the pictures!