Thursday, June 12, 2008
It has been a long and tough journey throughout this semester. I find IDP a very challenging yet interesting subject. It has really thought me many things and most of them are definitely important for my future career. Everything I have learnt thus far has been really rewarding as I apply it to my daily life. Learning about creating my own website has inspired me to create one that I would use in the future- indefinitely helping me in my career in the future.
Being able to participate in Ms. Jenny’s class has been ever so rewarding, the interaction between lecturer and students is plentiful. Having said that, I personally have been participating in many ‘funny’ moments with the class in Ms. Jenny’s class and it is something I would definitely remember.
With this experience, my knowledge in document designing and website designing has increased significantly. I loved the creation of the website, although it took a lot of my precious sleeping time but it had thought me the fun of success. When the website works just as you thought it would be, that is the reward itself. Thus, I can say that my experience in IDP a very interesting and challenging one that has build character and improved my skills in many ways.
Online Pets-Neopets
(picture sourced from )
Neopets Intro
(picture sourced from
It is not all fun and games when playing Neopets, children tend to get too addicted to the game. Children who are addicted to games tend to get lowers grade as compared to children who are not addicted to online games. Joe Ahn and George Randall (2007) said that children that were 4 times as many F students classified as addicted as there where non-addicted to online games. Online games are very addictive and one can get too indulged into the game play- neglected your studies. Not only does online gaming cause bad grades, they even get into fights more frequently. According to Joe Ahn and George Randall (2007) almost 50% of students that get into fights are actually addicted to online games.Personal Thoughts
I have personally experienced addiction and I was once a proud owner of 20 virtual pets on Neopets. Managing on several accounts and keeping every single one of them happy was no easy task. Neglecting my studies and even household chores, I chose to play all day and I will not stop until my eyes get too tired. The never ending mini-games and with 20 pets to feed; I had no choice but to play all day long. My inability to stop playing did not make my family worry but my teachers in school were also concerned about my health as well. With me coming to school with big eye bags and always tired; my teachers were worried that I was going to fail in my studies.
Useful Sites
Unhealthy Gaming Habits and Addiction:
Video Game Addiction: Do we need a Video Gamers Anonymous?:
The Neopets Addiction:
MTV Acquires "Virtual Pet" Youth Online Community NeoPets:
Brunais, A, Jeff Snetiker Joins Page Two of Two,, viewed on 14 June 2008,
Appelbaum, P & Appelbaum,S 2002, Theorizing the “Neo” in Neopets, Arcadia University, viewed on 14 June 2008,
Global Expansion, Wayback Machine, viewed on 14 June 2008,
Ahn,J & Randall,G 2007, Problems with addiction, Computer Game Addiction, viewed 14 June 2008,
Using Blogs for the Wrong Reasons
(picture sourced from
Defaming on Blogs
Blogs are typically known as online diaries and people can write whatever they want on their blogs as it is their rights. However, some people misuse this right and things can turn for the worse when this happens. Although blogs are not liable for their comments, it does not mean that everything you say in your blog and get away with it. According to Walter Olson(2007) you can be sued for defamation for your comments on your blog. However, the blog site provider is not liable for whatever comments being made on its user’s blogs. We have to carefully choose our words and expressions on blogs because written text does not show emotions- it might lead to misenterpretation. I have experienced this very often as I like to twist my words and using words as emotions. However, the effect might not as good as I thought it would be. Thus, it is very important to choose your words and try not to offend anyone that might be concerned about what you write.
Article on liable cases
Ethics On Blogging
Often there are many rules on how to blog with ethics. Even in college blogs there are rules being implemented for students to keep the college blogs free of problems. In Walsh College (2008), there are a few rules to follow when blogging on the college blog such as; staying on topic, no abusing, no defaming, no harassing, no spamming and no copyrighted material is allowed on the blog. Failure to follow the rules will ultimately result in banning. According to Andy ETAL (2005), taking into people’s feelings into account is also part of blogging ethics. We cannot publish posts that will hurt people’s feelings and by doing so will help us maintain proper blogging ethics. Actually people on average try to avoid sensitive topics that concern other people. Defaming is actually not a trait that everyone wants to have and people actually want to talk about themselves more than other people.
Frauds on Blogsites
* image of an article concerning the easily acquired .edu blogsite*
(picture sourced from
There is a reason as to why people are always being warned not to trust everything that is being posted or written online. There are people out there just to trick you into trusting them and sometimes you don’t only lose money- you might get into trouble for it. There is one such case that even ‘.edu’ websites can be used on blogs. Ian Lurie (2008) said that LinkAdage Auctions and Pickering Institute have teamed up to offer blog space on an .edu domain for rent. Yes, you don’t even have to be a school to acquire such a license. It is pretty simple actually, you just have to pay a rent and you get ‘.edu’ on your blog without the need of even as much as going to school. Fearsome as the world has become as to how money can influence anything- almost everything. So dont take for granted that every '.edu' website u visit is actually a valid source of information!The website can be found at
Personal Thoughts
Sometimes I think one might make the mistake of presuming that what he writes is clearly expressing his feelings. Which is not entirely true because written texts lack emotions and sometimes the wrong message might be put across which may cause misunderstanding. According to Jeremy Wright (2006) even he got into disputes in blogs because of misinterpretation of the texts. I myself have experienced something of sort and things can turn for the worse when different cultures clash. Choosing my words with the outmost care is important to keep me and the readers of my blogs happy.
Olsen, W 2007, Blogs not liable for their commenters, Overlawyered, viewed on 12 June 2008,
Walsh College Blog Rules, Walsh College, viewed on 12 June 2008,
Koh,A & Lim,A & Detenber,B & Cenite,M 2005, Introduction, Ethics in Blogging, viewed on 12 June 2008,
Lurie,I 2008, LinkAdage Selling .EDU Blog Space: It’s Evil, Conversation Marketing, viewed on 12 June 2008,
Wright,J 2006, Text Is An Awful Medium, Blog Marketing, viewed on 12 June 2008
The New Political Tool
(picture sourced from
Political Blogs Intro
Political blogs are namely blogs that talks about politics and such- the name ‘Political Blog’ is self-explanatory. These are blogs that are blogs that are being vigorously read through by both the public and the involved political parties. According to Joseph Graf (2006) political blogs exposes lapse in mainstream media coverage on political issues. The mainstream media sometimes chooses not to publish certain news stories because of the influence of government bodies. According to Dana,M Walker(2008) one political blog, the Daily Kos was drawing about 11 million visitors per month. The sheer number itself can leave anyone in awe of the power a political blog actually has. To be able to draw that many visitors in a month is just beyond proper reasoning, imagine having 11 million readers reading your political views, that will do real good to your political campaign. However, it is almost impossible to get into trouble if you play by the rules if you post a sensitive issue online.
The use of Political Blogs
* image of Raja Petra Kamarudin's blog*
(pictures sourced from
Although you are liable for what you say; it is almost impossible to get into trouble if you play by the rules if you post a sensitive issue online. According to Cari Lynn Hennessy and Paul S.Martin (2006) bloggers have actually forced mainstream media into covering stories that had been initially ignored. Quite obviously political blogs have been playing a role in covering the ‘uncovered’. Bloggers can actually cover sensitive issues and get away with it.Take Raja Petra Kamarudin’s blog for example, a famous Malaysian blogger, is actually being hosted in Singapore to prevent the influence of the Malaysian government over the posts on his blog. His blog is full of very direct questions that question the government’s ability and addressing issues that are not being spoken openly. Making him a real big hit in Malaysia and gaining many supporters along the way.
Why are political blogs a powerful tool?
Even in Malaysia political blogs are being frequently visited because of the transparency of these blogs and issues that are not being covered by the mainstream media can be found in these blogs. According to Michael Cornfield (2005) political blogs are being hailed as the new force in national politics. The potential influence of blogs are substantial and cannot be underestimated. Using these blogs political parties can actually keep in touch with their supporters. With websites being interactive instead of plainly just conveying the message like how a newspaper would. According to Jeremy Wright(2006) newspapers are meant to tell people of what is going on in the world and their community. Thus, rendering them non-interactive and somewhat boring because it is a one sided process. The powers of blogs are far more superior that of a regular newspaper as it has the power of interactivity. With the ability to keep readers feel more ‘in-touch’ with any issue being published it is easier to have loyal readers and keeping people interested for a longer period of time.
Personal Thoughts
Being one who is always interested in the current and of course transparent coverage on political issues, I frequently visit political blogs to update myself. I reckon that these blogs would grow and in the future they will grow like mushrooms after rain. It is very important for these blogs to stay in the World Wide Web as they are my sole source of the 'uncovered' political news that are very important to me and to any fellow Malaysian. In the future, I might even set up a website myself to improve my knowledge and build character.
Useful Sites
Campaign & Elections:
Daily Kos:
Malaysia Today:
Screenshots, Jeff Ooi:
Lim Kit Siang for Malaysia:
Graf, J 2006, Introduction, The Audience For Political Blogs, viewed on 11 June 2008,
Walker, Dana 2008, The emergence of the blog as a new information reality, Blog Commenting: A New Political Information Space, viewed on 11 June 2008,
Hennessy, C & Martin, P, Blog and Mainstream Media, Blogs, The Mainstream Media and The War In Iraq, viewed 11 June 2008
Cornfield, M 2004, I. Political Bloggers And The Power Of Buzz, Buzz, Blogs and Beyond, viewed on 11 June 2008,
Wright, J 2006, The Newspaper, Blog Marketing, pp 112-115
Blog Advertising
* a picture of a blogsite*
(picture sourced from
Blog Advertising Intro
Blog advertising is by far one of the newest and most popular type of advertising being used in the World Wide Web at present. According to Dave Taylor (2006), most people still think of blogs as online diaries or journals, only a small handful of them think of it as a real contender for advertising needs. Living in modern society and in an information technology driven world, not knowing how to use the internet would be almost impossible. Internet being very accessible and almost part of life nowadays, one must have even the slightest knowledge in using the internet for their own purposes.
Money the Currency of Life
* image of money*
(picture sourced from
Making use of the internet to make money has been picking up in the recent years. Money makes the world go round- really. Law (2004) said, “... work cannot be made without money.” Showing that money indefinitely makes up our life, which is dominated by our ability to bring home the bread and butter. Many opportunists have been hitting the jackpot in recent years and turned into millionaires through innovative ideas.
(picture sourced from
* image of man with lots of money*
(picture sourced from
Lessig Blog:
MIT Labroratory:
Friday, May 2, 2008
Designing for online vs. print
According to Kress and van Leeuwen(1998), a print is more focused on text(multimodality), with more academic based texts and structures. Prints usually play around with words as people tend to read prints more thoroughly as compared to a webpage. Redshaw(2003) also noted that a print controls the way the information is presented to the readers. With chronological orders, framing , logical cues and many more to control the way the information is presented. An online media however, is more focused on their titles. According to Dr Jakob Neilsen, people tend to skim through a web page as compared to a print. Thus, text, colours, and titles are all very important elements into capturing the readers attention. Online media has to be concise, scannable and objective(Morkes & Nielsen 1997). Therefore, overly-structured grammar is not encouraged as online readers tend to scan through the text rather than actually reading it (Nielsen 1997). Readers can choose what they want to read as the text is not being controlled by and the information presentated is hardly arranged chronologically.
* a frontpage of an Print Media*
Print media has a more sequential and chronogical text. Much more text and the placement of the text's very much differs from Online Media.
* screenshot from a Online Media*
The Online Media almost has no chronology in their placement of news and texts. Readers are able to choose what they want to read and the news is presented more concisely.
Both online and print media's have their own target audience and their own way of conveying their message. The online media being concise and straight to the point. Leaving lots of room for the reader to choose what they want to read. Whereas the print media leaves little space for choice and are more controlled. Thus, both online and print media has their advantages and disadvantages, it is more of a users choice.
Reference List
1.) Kress, G & van Leeuwen, T 1998, ‘Front pages: (the critical) analysis of newspaper layout’, in Approaches to media discourse, eds Bell, A & Garrett, P, Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 186-219.
2.) Kress, G & van Leeuwen, T 2006, 'Reading Images', Chapter 6: Themeaning of composition’, pp. 179-208
3.) Morkes, J & Nielsen, J 1997, Concise, Scannable and Objective: How To Write For The Web,, viewed at 2 May 2008 at
4.) Nielsen, J 1999, Differences Between Print Design and Web Design, Jacob Nielsen's Alert Box, viewed on 2 May 2008 at
5.) Redshaw, K 2003, Web Writing vs Print Writing,, viewed on 2 May 2008 at
New forms of media publishing
YouTube is a very well known website for video hosting and most of all, entertainment. It is actually a good source of entertainment for most people who are bored and have nothing more to do than scratching their backs. Currently YouTube is a very powerful tool for the media, things that shouldn’t be posted on national television can always be ‘secretly’ posted on Youtube. The music industry is suffering , thanks to Youtube. People just leisurely watch music videos on YouTube instead of tuning into MTV anymore. It is pretty simple why people like to use Youtube and watch everything they can on Youtube, its free.
However, people tend to do things a little overboard and this time Youtube is sued. James Montgomery said "It's the first-ever copyright lawsuit filed against YouTube, and, if successful, it could open the floodgates for similar suits against the site". The problem with YouTube is actually one of it's advantages, its free. Videos that would usually need to be paid for is actually free on YouTube. If everyone uses YouTube instead of watching television, that would mean doomsday for television producers. For this case in particular, Tur, a journalist, is actually sueing YouTube for the broadcasting of the videos without securing clearances from his company. Legally, in order for the footage to be broadcasted, news agencies had to obtain rights from his L.A. News service. Long story cut short, it is the money that caused the problem. YouTube, being free for it's users are causing a lot of trouble for other medias and when money comes into the picture, it spells trouble.
* a screenshot from MTV, on the YouTube lawsuit*
Reference List
1. Montgomery, J 2006, YouTube Slapped With First Copyright Lawsuit For Video Posted Without Permission, Music Television, viewed 2 May 2008 at
Classification of blogs & examples of blogging communities
There are many types of blogs that are out on the internet. The ones that I know of are; fashion, travel, history, entertainment, technology, food, adventure, sports, politics, law, business and social. These blogs are created to cater for their target audience. A blog which is interesting to one might not be as interesting to another. These are few examples of food, travel and fashion blogs which are frequented because they are the few major focuses people have in life.
* a screenshot from a Food Blog*
* a screenshot from a Travel Blog** a screenshot from a Fashion blog*
links : Food, Travel and Fashion blogs.
What is Moblog?
Moblog is a quickly picking up way of blogging. Using ur mobile phone to blog as you are on the go. It enables bloggers to blog as they travel along and they dont need to get into the nearest cyber cafe to blog. You can take pictures and even videos to be posted online with your mobile phone.
* a screenshot from a Mobile Blog*Link: Moblog.
Media Type
Vlog : Video blog. Example, YouTube.
Linklog : It is created to link sites.
Sketchlog : Sketch blog. Example, Daily Sketchlog.
Photoblog: Photo Blog. Example, Photobucket.
Tumblelog: Random blog posts. Example, Tumbleorg.
* a screenshot from a Video Blog*
* a screenshot from a Tumble Blog*
It is hard to identify a blog as a lot of blogs are actually a combination of a few. Thus, I would think that looking at the target audience and the style of writing as the most suitable way to identify a blog. Through looking at the blog's target audience we can see what type of audience its trying to reach out to and that makes things very much easier. Then we look at the style of writing, be it formal or informal. We can see through the style of writing that makes it unique and we can easily identify the blog after that.
State of publishers
Business and Corporate blogs: Business blogs. Example, American Business Club.
* a screenshot from a Business and Corporation blog*What is a blogging community?
A group of bloggers who because of similar interests, for a community. A community which can so often be tightly bound because of their passion.
The few blogging communities that I know of is:
these are the few very famous blog communities around the world.
Mybloglog community is actually a community for bloggers to communicate and interact with other bloggers. Mybloglog provides a tool in which you can keep track of who visits your blog. It is a community in which people use to keep track of other peoples blogs and interact with one another.
How do you create a blogging community?
You simply need many bloggers of the similar interest and you will find yourself with one blogging community. Even by linking one another can be 'considered' as a blogging community. With one of the bloggers as a 'Home' for all the other bloggers. In the modern age of technology, only your imagination is the limit to what you can do.
* screen shot from a Bloggers Community*Reference List
1. Downes,S 2005, Community Blogging, Stephen's Web, viewed on 2 May 2008 at
2. Top 5 blogging communities carnival, Top Listing Blog, viewed on 2 May 2008 at
Blogs as current phenomenon & effects on community
The size of the current blogosphere is as big as 112.8 million blogs and with over 250 million tagged social media. According to, blogs nowadays is actually a ‘citizen media’. With everyone having their own opinions and the need to voice out their opinions, they resort to blogging. Blogs are easy to create, mostly free and you probably won’t get sued for whatever nonsense you write on your blog.
European blogs are usually skewed towards the tech side. Just to mention a few tech blog sites like Techblog, Tech blog and the Yahoo Techbloggers. These are highly visited sites and they are popular because most European men are into technology. Being able to catch up with the every improving technological advancement has always been something considered to be ‘cool’. I guess it’s just something that is buried deep down in the genes of all men.
On the Asian and also Malaysian side however, a very famous blogger, Kennysia is of course the main focus of them all. He is somewhat a hero that shoots at anything he deems wrong and almost always has a humorous way of putting things. Usually Malaysian bloggers are the types that actually talk about their daily lives and usual blabber they want to be voiced out to the public. Let’s take my classmates’ Joash’s blog for a very good example as a typical Malaysian blogger. There are also blogs like the Internet Millionaires Club(IMC) who actually teach people how to earn money through the internet. However it is inadvisable to fully believe and trust such ways to be your stable source of income.
Keeping in touch with political, social and business is very important to anyone who is trying to keep up with the world. With blogs like Lim Kit Siang’s and Jeff Ooi's, we are very much updated on what is happening in the parliament and questions which are brought up by the parties in Malaysia. Being able to keep up will keep us more aware of what is happening and using it to our benefit. On the social context, we just want to keep in touch with our friends and what’s happening with their life. You can even call it nosy for that matter but people tend to be curious, very curious indeed. IMC which was mentioned before is a website which teaches Malaysians to earn money online. Earning as much as 5 figures is something every Malaysian would want to achieve.
Reference List
1. About Us 2008, Technorati, viewed on 2 May 2008 at
2. Brown, S 2006, Leading Average: Top Blog Trends, Modern Life, viewed 2 May 2008 at Duncan 2006